Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse2020-12-18T10:54:34+00:00

Patented high technology in aesthetic gynecology

Laser Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse (ProlapLase®)

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Amikor a hüvelyéből „valami” különösen terhelés hatására előcsúszik, süllyedésről, prolapsusról beszélünk. Ez érintheti a hüvelyfalat, a méhszájat vagy akár a teljes méhet is.

A hüvelyfalak és a méh előboltosulása akár fiatalkorban is kialakulhat. A terhességek, szülések, valamint kötőszöveti gyengeség miatt a belső nemi szervek pozíciója megváltozik, egyre lejjebb kerülnek, ezzel egyre kellemetlenebb érzést okozva a páciensnek. Az esetek egy részénél akaratlan vizeletcsepegés is kialakulhat.

Ezen állapotok kezelésére eddig csak pesszáriummal vagy műtéti úton volt lehetőség. Központunkban pácienseink számára modern, fájdalommentes, gyors intimlézeres kezelés, a ProlapLase® kezelésünk is elérhető, mely során a hüvelyfal megerősödik, ezzel javul a méh helyzete.

Az intimlézeres kezelés nem igényel speciális előkészületet. Pácienseinket ambuláns kezelés során látjuk el. Kényelmes, modern központunkban várakozás nélkül, diszkrét környezetben várjuk pácienseinket.

Diszkrét, személyes beszélgetésért jelentkezzen be konzultációra, ahol még többet tudhat meg a személyre szabott intimlézeres kezelésről. Kérdéseivel forduljon hozzám bizalommal!

Bejelentkezését Dr. Nyirády Tamás online időpontfoglaló-rendszerében tudja megtenni, a linkre kattintva erre az új oldalra fog érkezni.

Book an appointment!

Dr. Nyirády Tamás

With more than 20 years of experience as an obstetrician-gynecologist, I am looking forward to welcoming those, who wish to recover in a newly renovated clinic that has been operating for 90 years.

Hogyan működik az ProlapLase®

A kezelés egy olyan szabadalmaztatott ER:YAG lézer eljárás, melynek során ambulanter, speciális előkészületet nem igénylő módon teljesen fájdalmatlanul vérzés, vágás, varrás nélkül a lézersugár termikus hatását kihasználva a hüvelyfalban kollagén-újraképződés jön létre, melynek hatására a hüvelyfal megerősödik, ezzel megemelkedik a hólyagalap, valamint javul a méh helyzete. A panaszok az első kezelés után csökkennek, de a tartós és megnyugtató eredményhez 3 kezelés szükséges egy-egy hónap szünettel. A 15 perc alatt Ön semmilyen kellemetlenséget, fájdalmat nem érez. A beavatkozás után egy-két napig érezhető hüvelyi diszkomfort, mely általában 2 napon belül elmúlik. A kezelés után nem szükséges megszakítani napi rutinját.

A ProlapLase® egyedülálló előnyei

  • Biztonságos, gyors kezelés.
  • Alkalmazásával elkerülhetők a hagyományos sebészeti eljárásokkal járó esetleges komplikációk.
  • Nem igényel speciális előkészületet, sem utógondozást.
  • Nem műtéti eljárás. A kezelést követően a páciens azonnal folytathatja a mindennapi tevékenységét.

Laser Treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse (ProlapLase®)

The treatment includes the following:

  • consultation, gynecological examination, condition assessment
  • 1. Laser treatment with follow-up examination
  • 2. Laser treatment with follow-up examination
  • 3. Laser treatment with follow-up examination

450.000 HUF


Book an appointment online or call the phone number below!

+36 30 955 4703


What is the process of the laser treatment?2020-12-15T13:57:45+00:00

You can find more information about the exact process of laser treatments in the video on this page.

What happens during your consultation?2020-12-15T13:54:29+00:00

First of all, a detailed medical history will be recorded, where, among other things, we will discuss all the symptoms and complaints you have experienced. This is followed by a general gynecological examination. Based on the results, a decision will be made about the treatment plan. During the consultation, after finishing the examination and summarizing the symptoms, we discuss the patient’s expectations and present the medical options in detail.

Is it necessary to book an appointment before a consultation?2020-12-15T13:47:15+00:00

Yes, please always book an appointment for a consultation. You can book it online by clicking on this link or by phone at +36 30 305 4798. In the case of online booking, we will reach out to you, to set an exact appointment, through the provided contact information. Therefore, we kindly ask you to fill out the form accurately.

What are the open hours of the Hírös Intimlézer Center?2020-12-15T13:45:57+00:00

By prior appointment, treatment is available even on weekends or late in the evening.

How can i book an appointment? Online, by phone or in person?2020-12-15T13:40:22+00:00

You can book an appointment by clicking here, or by phone: +36 30 305 4798. In the case of online booking, we will reach out to you, to set an exact appointment, through the provided contact information. Therefore, we kindly ask you to fill out the form accurately.

Why is the Er:YAG laser better than the CO2 laser?2020-12-15T13:28:06+00:00

Currently, two intimate laser procedures are available in Hungary. One works with a CO2 laser and the other with Fotona Smooth Er:YAG laser technology. The Hírös Intimlézer Center uses Fotona’s patented Smooth technology with an Er:YAG laser.
Comparing the lasers, we can say that both the Er:YAG laser and the CO2 laser are ablative, but the Er:YAG laser absorbs much better in water and therefore does not burn the skin.

What really makes differences when comparing the two laser procedures available in Hungary, is the SMOOTH technology patented by Fotona, which is able to create a non-ablative gynecological laser in a way that is unique in the world. Being non-ablative means that there is no direct effect, i.e. no damage to the mucosa.

Thanks to SMOOTH technology:

  • we reach the temperature required for denaturing collagen (we work painlessly at 62-63 Celsius), but it does not burn,
  • as it is non-ablative, there is no need to fear infection due to the non-sterile nature of the vagina,
  • does not hurt, no anesthesia or preparation is required.
Why is the laser technology better than surgery?2020-12-15T13:27:14+00:00

Intimate laser technology is not a surgical procedure. It requires neither preparation nor aftercare. It is very fast and painless. There is no anesthesia, incision, suture removal, nor bleeding. For the body, this is a much less stressful solution. The result is as effective as the surgical procedure’s. Studies show that vaginal dryness is almost 100% eliminated, the vaginal comfort is increased, sex life is improved and becomes painless. According to a recent study, the RenovaLase® therapy was more effective than hormone therapy in treating vaginal atrophy.

Should I be afraid that the treated area will heal slowly?2020-12-15T13:26:16+00:00

No, you don’t have to. You may feel discomfort for 1-2 days after the procedure. Due to the uniquely non-ablative laser we use, the surface of the vagina will not be damaged.

Should I be afraid that the treatment will be painful?2020-12-15T13:25:46+00:00

It is a totally painless process. In some cases, which happens very rarely, patients may experience minimal discomfort feeling.

What technology is used for the intimate laser treatment?2020-12-15T13:25:02+00:00

Fotona Smooth Er:YAG laser therapy is a patented, non-invasive, hormone-free procedure that eliminates the condition that causes unpleasant symptoms in the intimate areas (incontinence,  vaginal atrophy, vaginal relaxation syndrome, uterine prolapse).

The thermal action of Fotona’s Er:YAG non-ablative laser beam that operates on a 2940 nm wavelength, stimulates collagen organization and production in the vaginal canal tissues. As a result, the vagina’s shrinks (tightens).

Studies show that vaginal atrophy is almost 100% eliminated, vaginal comfort is increased, sex life is improved and it becomes painless. According to a recent study, RenovaLase® therapy was more effective than hormone therapy in treating vaginal atrophy.

The Intimate laser treatment usually involves two, sometimes three sessions with small breaks of 2 to 4 weeks. One process usually takes 15 minutes, during which you will not feel any discomfort or pain. Vaginal discomfort can be felt for a day or two after the procedure, which usually disappears within two days. It is not necessary to interrupt your daily routine after the treatment, and after a few days you will notice the beneficial effects.

How many days shall I take off from work if I choose this procedure?2020-12-15T13:24:16+00:00

The treatment is quick and painless. It can be done during a lunch break, there is no need to take any day off. Provided that you choose intimate laser treatment, you will not be absent from work, your daily activities and routine will not be interrupted. The treatment is not a surgical procedure, so there is no incision, no anesthesia, no bleeding, no suturing.

For how long is it not recommended to have sexual intercourse after the treatment?2020-12-15T13:23:37+00:00

After 2-3 days, any activity can be continued (sex life, thermal water, bathing, etc.). Due to the unique non-ablative nature of the laser we use, the surface of the vagina will not be damaged.

When can laser treatment be used the earliest after giving birth?2020-12-15T13:22:43+00:00

Intimate laser treatment can be used 6 weeks after delivery at the earliest.

Should any additional medication be taken after the treatment?2020-12-15T13:21:55+00:00

No additional drug or medication shall be taken after the treatment.

An exception to this may be if a mixed type of incontinence treatment is needed, in which case an additional pharmaceutical product may be required to achieve the ideal effect, which we will determine in your personalized therapy.

What are the possible side effects of the treatment?2020-12-15T13:20:40+00:00

Intimate laser treatment, especially the Fotona Smooth Er:YAG laser, is a gentle, fast and painless procedure. However, like all devices and preparations used in medicine, it can have side effects. The literature names the following factors:

  • Scarring (hypertrophic, atrophic)
  • Prolonged wound healing
  • Persisting ulcerated areas
  • Bleeding
  • Mild redness of the skin that may last for a few days.
  • Surface burns, sometimes with blistering.
  • Transient hypo- or hyperpigmentation
  • Mild to moderate discomfort or pain during treatment
  • Bruising
  • Pain
  • Laxity
  • Infection
  • Edema
  • Discoloration
  • Paresthesia
  • Erythema
  • Irregular contour, deformations
  • Partial skin erosion
  • Pulling feeling
  • Hemosiderin discoloration
  • More intensive vaginal discharge
  • Recurrent urinary incontinence
What results you may expect after laser treatment?2020-12-15T13:19:40+00:00

The effectiveness of Fotona intimate laser treatments is also proven by clinical research:

  • The vaginal tightening effect of RenovaLase® was assessed as positive by 97% of patients and their orgasmic ability was improved in 58%. On average, the vaginal canal became 17% tighter.
  • Almost 70% of IncontiLase® users are asymptomatic after 120 days. At 120 days post-treatment, 94% of patients reported significant improvement and 68% had complete cessation of urinary incontinence.
How much time should pass between two treatment sessions?2020-12-15T13:18:50+00:00

The date of each treatment, including the next treatment’s date, will be chosen when consulting your doctor. The time between the two treatments may vary from individual to individual, but you should usually wait 2-4 weeks.

What activities are not recommended to be carried out after treatment?2020-12-15T13:17:14+00:00

After the intimate laser treatment, it is worth avoiding bathing, swimming pool activities and sauna for 1-2 days.

Is it allowed to have the treatment while taking contraceptives?2020-12-15T13:16:07+00:00

If you take contraceptive, please consult your doctor. Although no such complaint has been documented or received so far, several contraceptives may cause photosensitivity.

Is it allowed to have laser treatment when using contraceptive coil (IUD)?2020-12-15T13:15:30+00:00

Yes, it is allowed. The mirror at the end of the laser device covers the coil, so it won’t ruin the process at all.

Is it allowed to use tampons after the treatment?2020-12-15T13:14:47+00:00

Tampons can be used 2-3 days after the process.

Can the treatment be performed during the menstruation phase?2020-12-15T13:14:02+00:00

It is not allowed as the laser beam would be absorbed into the water content of the blood so that it would not reach the vaginal wall with adequate efficiency.

In what cases is the laser treatment not recommended?2020-12-15T13:13:15+00:00

Before treating incontinence, it is definitely worthwhile to find out what incontinence is – with specific questions. This is because there are cases (for example, urinary incontinence due to nerve dysfunction, spine injury, side effects of medication, urge incontinence) for which laser treatment cannot be used. (In this case, other therapies are warranted.)

The literature names cases where treatment (Er: YAG laser) is not recommended. These can be:

  •  Urinary tract infections (UTI)
  • Injuries or bleeding around the tissue to be treated (vaginal vestibule and anterior vaginal wall)
  • One of the following urinary disorders:
    • excessive bladder capacity (<300 cc),
    • residue after discharge> 50 cc,
    • spasmodic bladder,
    • vesicoureteralis reflux (VUR),
    • bladder stones,
    • bladder tumors,
    • urethral stenosis and bladder neck stenosis
  • Abnormal wound formation
  • Infection or inflammation of the treated area
  • Excessive exposure to sunlight (tanned skin)
  • History of photosensitivity disorder or drug treatment with photosensitivity
  • Pregnancy
  • Irradiation of the gonads
  • Diabetes
  • Collagen and connective tissue disorders
  • Wound healing and wound formation disorders
  • Blood clotting disorders
  • Heart or lung disease
  • Vascular problems (including general circulatory disorders)
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Hypertension
  • Abnormal obesity
  • Epilepsy
  • Fever
  • Taking iron supplements or anticoagulant therapy
  • Take a medicine to treat severe acne within 6 months
  • Systemic or oral antifungal therapy within 6 months
  • Use of vasodilators
  • Gold therapy
  • Insulin-dependent diabetes (written consent of the GP is required)
  • Cancer in the area to be treated
  • Autoimmune disorders, e.g. lupus
  • Previous seizures
  • Herpes simplex infection in the treated area
  • Impossibility to display the area to be treated
  • Malignant preoperative histological finding
  • Anatomical observations inconsistent with the diagnosis
At what age (when) and to whom is it recommended to have intimate laser treatment?2020-12-15T13:12:32+00:00

The majority of patients usually begin to experience unpleasant intimate symptoms after childbirth, but in some cases, treatment can be used from the age of 18.

What is the Prolaplase® treatment and how does it work? (Laser treatment of Pelvic Organ Prolapse)2020-12-15T13:11:15+00:00

The patented (Fotona Smooth) Er:YAG laser method provides an outpatient treatment that requires no special preparation, and uses the thermal effect of the laser beam to regenerate collagen production in the vaginal wall completely without pain, bleeding, incision, or suturing. This strengthens the vaginal wall, which causes the bladder base to raise, and improves the position of the uterus. Complaints decrease after the first treatment, but a lasting and reassuring result requires 3 treatments with a break of one month each. A treatment takes 15 minutes, during which you will not feel any discomfort or pain. Vaginal discomfort may be felt for a day or two after the procedure, which usually resolves within 2 days. You do not need to interrupt your daily routine after treatment.

What may be the causes of pelvic organ prolapse?2020-12-15T13:10:14+00:00

Uterine prolapse can be caused by multiple, difficult vaginal deliveries, a decrease in estrogen levels after menopause, being overweight, or conditions that increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity (such as chronic cough, strain during constipation, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity). Weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and surgeries in this area may also contribute to the development of uterine prolapse.

What are the symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse?2020-12-15T13:09:07+00:00

The most common symptoms of uterine prolapse include a constant feeling of pressure around the pelvis, low back pain, and a pulling sensation when standing or walking. Urination and defecation may be painful. In case of uterine prolapse, sexual intercourse becomes uncomfortable and the patient may experience swelling protruding from the vagina.


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