Fotona Smooth Er:YAG laser therapy is a patented, non-invasive, hormone-free procedure that eliminates the condition that causes unpleasant symptoms in the intimate areas (incontinence,  vaginal atrophy, vaginal relaxation syndrome, uterine prolapse).

The thermal action of Fotona’s Er:YAG non-ablative laser beam that operates on a 2940 nm wavelength, stimulates collagen organization and production in the vaginal canal tissues. As a result, the vagina’s shrinks (tightens).

Studies show that vaginal atrophy is almost 100% eliminated, vaginal comfort is increased, sex life is improved and it becomes painless. According to a recent study, RenovaLase® therapy was more effective than hormone therapy in treating vaginal atrophy.

The Intimate laser treatment usually involves two, sometimes three sessions with small breaks of 2 to 4 weeks. One process usually takes 15 minutes, during which you will not feel any discomfort or pain. Vaginal discomfort can be felt for a day or two after the procedure, which usually disappears within two days. It is not necessary to interrupt your daily routine after the treatment, and after a few days you will notice the beneficial effects.